Telemarketing Publisher Case Study
Publisher A
One of our clients had been maintaining their subscription requests through renewal cards and direct mail efforts–as well as electronic email and website renewal efforts. They were noticing a decline in response to their more traditional efforts. They added telemarketing focused on converting non-request to request subscribers, increasing their overall requests to 70-80% of total circulation. After that, we began calling their 2 and 3 year requested subscribers in order to maintain these requests over time. This chart shows how adding telemarketing to their renewal efforts, dramatically increased overall requests and has been instrumental in maintaining these request levels over time.

Publisher B
Client B was a new launch publication in 2004, and began working to obtain 50%+1 requests for their periodical mailing permit. With the help of telemarketing, they were able to quickly obtain the 50%+1 requests needed for their initial BPA and successful postal audit. This client, with the help of FMS telemarketing services, has continued to grow their requested circulation over time to more than 70%.

Lets Get to Work on Hitting Your Company’s Goals!
As the industry gets more and more competitive, each and every subscriber counts. At Farran Media, our agents specialize in the publishing industry work directly with our clients to create custom scripts and campaigns specially tailored to their company’s needs.
Some of the services we offer:
- Outbound Call Center Services
- Subscriber Re-qualification/Renewal
- Former Subscriber Reactivation
- New Subscriber Campaigns
- Trade show & Events Marketing
- Inbound Call Center Services
- After Hour Calls
- Answering Services
- List Services
- Postal Audits
- Data Verification & Enhancement